It can sometimes be challenging to live the way our heart speaks to us. We might fear that if we stray too far from the beaten path that our children will be unprepared, left out, or lacking in some way. But the truth is, there is no concrete path that works for everyone. If there were, everyone would be doing it. That’s not how life works.
Instead, we are given a unique trajectory that speaks to us in the form of inspiration. We aren’t meant to know exactly how it is supposed to unfold. Instead, we are supposed to listen and follow the roadmap our heart revels to us in every instant. When fear says this is unrealistic, remember: You can experience the effect of any belief system you put your faith in. So why not try on beliefs that speaks to your heart? Why not try a belief system that sets your kids free?
If you want even a chance at experiencing the beauty of what your heart knows is possible, you have to have the courage to live in the way you wish to see things. Life reflects, you have be the one to go first.
So if you want to experience your child’s innate wisdom, if you want to see that what inspires them is meaningful and can be trusted, that learning can be natural and effortless, that connection is enough, and children don’t need punishment or coercion to be a good person, that there IS a better way to parent and educate, even if it’s not familiar to you. Then just be a little bit willing to question thoughts, beliefs, and ways of being that don’t speak that language, and have the courage to live as if all of the above were true and possible.
Have the faith to live the story you want to see made real.
Photo by Oliver Roos on Unsplash